
Friday, November 22, 2013

Why do they think that's okay?

Seriously why do people think its okay to badger other people about their babymaking time-table. Why?!
Today started out crappy with the arrival of cd1. Expected but still crappy. I remember before b/c pills that even though I went super heavy for 5-6 days at a time, I never cramped, got bloated or emotional, had nausea, or bowl distress during my cycle. The worst thing I had to worry about was fatigue, headache, and weakness that could be cured with tuna or a steak.  During b/c I experienced the occasional bowl distress but shorter lighter periods at 3-4 days. After b/c I get the whole freaking shabang almost every month, the only positive being that my periods are down to about 2 days now. So that started off my morning. Yay : /  
After dealing with a bit of unpleasantness with my inlaws I headed out to meet my Nana for a day. It's been way too long since we had a day. Even uncomfortable and sad I was looking forward to it. It was a lot of fun, just pecking around town looking at this and that and basically doing a whole lot of nothing. About an hour before we called it a night, I hear someone call out to us from across the store. It's S. You may remember from a previous blog post the cousin my family adopted who then ran out on us the second she turned 18. That's S. I was in a good mood so seeing her didn't immediately put a rock in my gut for once. I smiled, waved, and watched her approach. She chatted me up about this and that, mostly my parents and the rest of the family. Then she bends over to get eye level with my stomach, reaches out and pats my stomach, and goes, 'Girl, when you gonna start having some babies. It's about time. Don't you think you need to get on that.' I managed to keep the smile on my face but I know my eyes went dead. I could FEEL them get hard. I clenched my teeth and growled, 'No' while my Nana quickly goes, "They're having fun practicing." S laughs then turns back around and goes, "Seriously aren't you like the only grandkid..."
"No," I interjected quickly, " T. is two years younger than me. She doesn't have kids either."
"Oh right, I always forget about T." The conversation thankfully moves away from the topic. She continues on aimlessly somehow missing all the subtle clues that I'm no longer in a good mood and would like the conversation to end. Honestly if you can't pick up on those clues you either a. don't know the person well enough to be asking that level of personal question or b. you don't give a damn in the first place. She finally turns to leave. She only gets about 5 paces away before turning back around and saying, "Really, Cindal, hurry up and start having them kids."  I want to scream at her.  I settle for punching my own hip repeatedly. A few minutes later my Nana asks if I'm feeling alright cause I look a little pale. I brush it off and we head on to the next store. I branch off from her the first chance I get so that I can get my emotions under control. There I am wandering through the shoe aisle all glassy eyed and sniffling trying to keep the tide down. Thank god no one saw me moping. We tried going in a few more stores but I just couldn't recapture my previous contentment so I called it a night, citing weather concerns and encroaching darkness.  
One of these days I'm going to let someone have it for asking those kinds of questions. One of these days...

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